I get asked this question quite a bit: "How do you do all the things you do"? Let me start by providing you with a little bit of context behind that question. And first and foremost, acknowledge that if you're a woman reading this blog right now, I know you are just as busy too. Because as women we tend to take on all the things. No offense gents, but you're not wired the same way we are. And for that there are times as a woman I am extremely jealous. But I digress.....
I am a wife and a mama to a blended family of five. My husband is a Nurse Practitioner and is currently going to school for a degree as Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. I have two of the five kids who live with me and am responsible for school drop-off and pick-up every day. Full disclosure my daughter spends a week with me and a week with her dad on rotation. I work a full-time job as a team leader for a company I've been with for the past 27 years! I participate in a women's bible study group every week. I am partnered with Scout and Cellar Wines, Young Living Essential Oils, and a Direct Sales Done Better (DSDB) coach. I'm working to launch my own Coaching business this year focused on introverted women in business. I am the co-leader of a chapter of Women Inspired Networking group and I'm the Vice President of my BNI chapter this year.
So yeah. I'm busy. But I still find time to exercise, cook, read, and plan. I love having snuggle time with my son who is a first grader and a total mama's boy. I love having girl time with my high school daughter. And my favorite activity is when our whole family is together and just enjoying being around each other. But how do I do it all?
BOUNDARIES! I'm very intentional and deliberate with my time. I'm not afraid to say No which can be hard. See my previous blog post on the shortest complete sentence. And I take time to plan out my day, week, month, and quarter on a regular basis. I set business hours and stick within them. I understand what my non-negotiables are (shout out to the Quietside Community) and prioritize my daily tasks. But most importantly, I make sure to take time for me every day. Some days it looks like an entire day off. Other days it looks like 10-minutes of silence.
If you're struggling to do it all I'd like to challenge you to start by making a list of all your priorities/tasks/commitments, etc. Take that list and as you read each item aloud note how it makes you feel. Is it serving you? Is it helping you to grow? We may not love every task we have to do to move ourselves forward. Sometimes it is uncomfortable. But if it's uncomfortable, doesn't serve YOU and the person you want to be and isn't helping you to grow then that is something to really look at taking off of your list.
Coming in March I'm going to share an offer with you that I do on four-times a year and I'm so excited about it. I'll share all of the details in the blog post on Friday, March 10th. But for now, if you'll be taking on my challenge of reviewing your commitments, I'd love to hear how it goes. And until next week, don't forget these words from the indelible Maya Angelou: "You alone are ENOUGH. You don't have to prove anything to anybody". Be well loves.